
Showing posts from October, 2023

Pre-Marital Counseling: Questions to Ask Before Saying "I Do"

Pre-Marital therapy has been found to help married couples seek help sooner during times of strife, to help maintain and improve their relationship.  Marriage is a big decision for most of us, so why not go into it having had a thorough conversation about the future and with coping skills to manage future communications and disagreements?  Below are a few questions you might ask yourself and/or your future spouse: Why are you getting married?  How do you envision your marriage to be?  What is important to you in a marriage? What is important to you in a partner?  Does your partner embody these qualities? Do you trust your partner? How were conflicts resolved in your family of origin?  Have you encountered any issues with conflicts thus far in your relationship and how have you handled them?  How do you plan to resolve conflicts in your marriage? What do you need from your partner in order to feel loved? How involved do you envision your extended family/in-laws/social circle in your new